Our aim is to make lending better
Innovative P2P lending for borrowers and lenders
Why we do it
We believe that affordable loans and profitable investments should be accessible to everyone. Our innovative software opens P2P lending services to people who previously may not have access to this kind of financial services. We want to make lending and borrowing a seamless and enjoyable experience for people in different circumstances.
How we do it
We directly connect people who want to invest with people who want borrow. By removing the middleman (banks and other financial institutions), the idea is that more money remains between people and thus lenders can potentially earn more while borrowers may have less costly loans. Thanks to our innovations, investors can flexibly withdraw their investment if they need (please see our lending page for full details). Our modern credit scoring procedures allow us to provide affordable loans also for people who are self-employed or have a short credit history.

Personal approach
Different people prefer different financial services. We approach our clients individually and with respect.

Community support
If you borrow via PeerCredit, you can say ‘thank you’ directly to your lenders with the interest paid. If you invest, you are helping people like you to get an affordable loan.

Unprecedented flexibility
Life can change quickly. Our services are flexible enough to support you in times of change. Loans and investments should help you to advance towards your goals.
Our services
One size never fits all. We offer a variety of services for you to choose from.

PeerCredit Simple lending
For people who want to invest at a potentially great rate, we offer an easy online tool to directly lend to borrowers who have been credit-checked and approved by us. See our lending page for full details.
PeerCredit Simple borrowing
We offer affordable loans to people in different circumstances - also to self-employed or people with a short credit history. Our modern approach to credit scoring ensures that creditworthy people can get loans at great interest rates.
PeerCredit Friend loans service
A free service for people who would like to lend or borrow with their friends or family members. You can record the loan and manage it easily online. (Please be aware that this is not a regulated product and is offered outside of our status as an appointed representative.)
Meet our team
We are dedicated to providing fair financial services and a great user experience.

Vladimir Repisky
Vladimir is the founder and head of PeerCredit. He runs the company, manages the team, develops business in the UK and overseas, and does a bit of IT during his leisure time.
Vladimir has 12+ years of experience in financial analysis, risk assessment and fraud detection.

Peter Zuffa
Peter is the head of development team. He designs the application infrastructure, assesses security issues and turns our visionary ideas into working code.
Peter has 20+ years of experience in IT development and leadership.

Georg Untersalmberger
Georg advises PeerCredit about business development and growth. He has consulted and headed numerous companies and teams. He knows how to make a business succeed.
Georg has 20+ years of experience in technology management and leadership.

Tomas Toneiser
Risk assessment

Hana Neufeld
Project management

Alexandra Ostertagova

Marek Martancik
Product design

Pavol Slamka
IT development

Michal Bican
IT development

Tomas Donko
IT development

Daniel Vargai
IT development

Martin Redzepovic
IT development

Martin Luptak
Contact us
We are here to help
Do you have any questions or would like to share with us your experience of using the platform? Please get in touch, we will be glad to hear from you!